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Word by Word Presents:

Writing Back is Not the Same as Fighting Back, with Lola Olufemi

Sunday 10 April
13:00 - 14:30 Bush Theatre


Join us this April with the amazing Lola Olufemi, for her workshop 'Writing back is not the same as fighting back' (After June Jordan).


Using experimental methods, this writing workshop will encourage participants to write back to the conditions in which they live.


With a specific focus on the relationship between imagining, political organising and temporality it will use the archival prompts as basis for assess the value and utility of forms of political writing. This is a writing workshop about the things we want and what we will have to do to get them.

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+ This workshop is for black and people of colour only. No prior experience necessary (aged 18 or over).

+ Let us know your accessibility needs. Our email is, and we will do all we can to provide what you need!

+ If you're able, please bring a pen and notebook.








After workshop: End of project Zine

By joining this workshop you are also invited to share any work you have written, whether during the workshop or in your own time to us for our Zine: Issue 2. The Zine will be a celebration and showcase of you and your works, and will launch mid-summer at the end of the project with an event at The Bush Theatre! Submissions are open now. Please email them to or contact us for more details. If you would not like to be contacted further about the zine following workshop, you can opt-out by contacting us at the above address.

Lola Olufemi is a black feminist writer and CREAM/Stuart Hall foundation researcher from London based at the University of Westminster. Her work focuses on the uses of the feminist imagination and its relationship to cultural production, political demands and futurity.

She is author of Feminism Interrupted: Disrupting Power (Pluto Press, 2020), Experiments in Imagining Otherwise (Hajar Press, 2021) and a member of 'bare minimum', an interdisciplinary anti-work arts collective.

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